Specialization in Dementia and Interventions
Strokes and Fractures Care
Cognitive Empowerment and Assessment
Dynamic Care Model
Activities in Aktios
Physiotherapy and Exercise
Special Services
Working in Aktios

AKTIOS Research & Innovation

Aktios has participated in various funded research projects either as a leading partner or a pilot site. For the purposes of participating actively in research, innovation and developmental projects Aktios has its own research department consisted by Gerontologists, Neurologists, Health Managers and Project Managers, who can fully support the writing, research or implementation of a project. Indicatively, below are presented some projects in which we have participated.

Aktios as a Pilot Site

AKTIOS is probably the most suitable and appropriately staffed centre of long-term hospitalisation for patients suffering from dementia in Greece. The services provided are based on scientific background, and are oriented towards the elderly residents, their supportive environment, and the professional carers. The quality of care is ensured through investing in human capital, in knowledge and specialisation and in a dignified living environment.

Each time that Aktios participates in a program its benefits are to improve the life and the quality of care for elderly people.
In particular the main tasks that Aktios was involved are:

  • participation in pre-recruitment and screening phase
  • participation in recruitment
  • participation in the implementation of robotic and AAL systems in the care of older people
  • participation in the implementation and assessment of the project
  • support co-creation and maximize user acceptance and trust in the health care system, revolutionizing consumption of digital services at home and at elderly care units and in particular enabling new self-management care systems for better quality of life for the elderly


Aktios operates 288 nursing beds and is equipped with the latest elderly care and nursing infrastructure for all specialties. It has a fully functional, Physiotherapy Laboratories for the treatment / rehabilitation of neurological and orthopedic diseases and Stroke Rehabilitation, Memory and Mental Skills Assessment Service (ACE-R, MMSE, FAB) and Psychological Condition Service (SCL) Support and Counseling, Nursing Service, Medical Monitoring.

Every operation in the Elderly Care Unit is fully automated exploiting the capabilities of a Hospital Information System and its modules (e.g. LIS, ERP, etc).

Relevant Projects

Project ID: ΓΓΕΤ ISR_2995 General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT)

Duration: 24/6/2014-30/11/15

Website: https://www.ltcman.binarytree.gr

Description: The LTC-MAN project aims to develop a computerized system which will predominantly direct the LTC providers and their care teams in providing health care services of better quality and of high efficiency to LTC residents. Based on unique software algorithms, the system will provide advisories and alerts, support actionable, intelligent data analysis, integrate the care teams and guide the comprehensive care activities; while will fully support the documenting of care activities and health records. The system’s built-in capacity to autonomously generate most paperwork, will enable the provider’s staff to focus on performing their core activities rather than being occupied with paperwork and redundant tasks that will affect the quality of the health care services. Moreover, the LTC-MAN system will comply with the requirements and regulation of EU countries regarding the Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs), so as to ensure its broad acceptance from the LTC health services professionals. LTC-MAN is a Greek-Israeli consortium, composed in order to face a genuine and significant international challenge, and a respective market; the provision of an intelligent comprehensive management solution to the Long Term Care (LTC) market. As it will be detailed below, the consortium is highly complementary, including a multidisciplinary team with the right combination of both technical and business skills and expertise necessary to achieve its ambitious objectives.

Project ID: 09ΣΥΝ-12-713 Centre of Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH)

Duration: 08/02/2012-08/02/2015

ENabling Robot and assisted living environment for Independent Care and Health Monitoring of the Elderly

Project ID: 643691

Duration: 01/09/2016 -28/02/2018

Description: ENRICHME tackles the progressive decline of cognitive capacity in the ageing population proposing an integrated platform for Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) with a mobile service robot for long-term human monitoring and interaction, which helps the elderly to remain independent and active for longer. The system will contribute and build on recent advances in mobile service robotics and AAL, exploiting new non-invasive techniques for physiological and activity monitoring, as well as adaptive Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), to provide services in support to mental fitness and social inclusion

Training program in elderly care and infectious disease prevention for the integration of refugees from the Middle Eastern and African countries in western society

Project ID: 2020-1-CY01-KA204-066039

Duration: 09/2020- 12/2022

Website: https://hero-erasmus.csl.gr

Description: This project describes and proposes a refugee and migrant integration training process into the labor market of both the country of residence and the European market through a complete intercultural “on the job” training – based on a Migrant/Refugee Care Giver (R/MCG) educational needs analysis- that declines the cross-cultural gap in caregiving process and a certified intercultural training will be available for future trainers. Through this project, a Trainee/Intern opportunity and a Certification will be given to the participants through a training program in English as an international language of communication and the language of the country of residence and training. The primary training will be in the profession of caregiver, specialized in elderly care, and will take place in real Elderly Care Units given by care professionals. The aim is the smoother integration of the beneficiaries in the workplace and the development of communication skills that are important within a society as well as a professional setting. It also offers the possibility of securing work at the end of the training to selected beneficiaries.

A social robot to facilitate COVID-19 patients in the transition from clinic to home.
COVID-19 Response Open Call 2021 under the DIH-HERO Innovation Action.

Duration: 07/2022 – 03/2023

Website: https://dih-hero.eu/clinic2home/

Description: This project demonstrates the use of a RTSS robotic system to support Long-COVID patients in their recovery process in clinical setting, The objective is to demonstrate that the use of a social robot can support healthcare professionals in providing medical rehabilitation exercises and structure in the Long-COVID rehabilitation process.

Liz is a new Robotic Therapy Support System (RTSS), i.e. a health oriented assistive robotic coach that supports patients in their medical rehabilitation process. Liz can both be used in clinics and in the homes of patients. Liz is designed to collaborate with healthcare professionals; the social robot and the healthcare professional team up and complement each other in supporting the patients’ medical rehabilitation process.

Liz’ functionalities target the patient daily disease management activities (activity reminders, recommended behavioral changes, daily self-reported status updates, access to information related to therapy), and companionship in cases of lockdowns and isolation. Liz is interactive – collecting self-reports, providing access to relevant patient-level oriented information and notifying of newly prescribed recommendations.

The multifunctional Kompaï robot helps patients and their carers to combat the spread of COVID 19 in hospitals and nursing homes.
COVID-19 Response Open Call 2021 under the DIH-HERO Innovation Action

Duration: 07/2022 – 03/2023

Website: https://dih-hero.eu/syriaca/

Description: Our goal in the SYRIACA project is to demonstrate that a multi-functional robot is the best and most sustainable approach in COVID-19 situations, where protocols are not the same from one organization to another one. When the pandemic ends, the robots can return to their regular operations, and they can be quickly mobilized and re-affected in case of emergency.

Thanks to the modularity of the Kompaï robot, like a puzzle game, we are going to set up 4 robots integrating a COVID-19 module answering the demand of healthcare partners which will be tested in real life, hospitals and nursing homes. The COVID scenario includes the following:

  • mask-wearing monitoring
  • vital signs capture
  • temperature capture
  • sentinel function
  • small logistics (medication, food, objects, medicines …)
  • entertainment and social links for fully confined patients
  • surveillance of corridors and common spaces

Climate change and healthy AgeinG: co-creating E-learning for resilience and adaptation

Project ID: 101109005

Duration: 04/2023 – 04/2026

Description: The chAnGE Alliance of HEI, VET and Health & Social Care organisations [HSCOs] in Ireland, Portugal, Finland, Austria & Greece aims to:

  1. Co-create a suite of online microcredentials (MC), for HSC workers who plan/deliver care to older people, to give them knowledge,confidence & skills to plan/incorporate climate adaptation and resilience in their work.
  2. Empower HSC professionals as local climate adaptation leaders, champions and peer-trainers, to multiply impact.
  3. Foster relationships & knowledge co-creation between VET-HEI-HSCO through project activities, and targeted knowledge-exchange (KE) events.
  4. Facilitate HEI & VET to modernise their learning offerings and support learners’ transition to HEI.
  5. Agree an EU-aligned framework for MC credit recognition/accumulation, for exploitation (for any topic or learner group), by HEI/VETacross Europe.

Website: https://forschung.fh-kaernten.at/change/

Re-defining skills in a post-COVID European Silver Economy

Project ID: 101111721

Duration: 04/2023 – 04/2027

Description: Eldicare 2.0, as the continuation of the Project Eldicare: Matching Skills in a growing European Silver Economy, aims to strengthen the cooperation among sectoral partners on elderly care and educational providers in healthcare, as well as to update the occupational profiles and competencies of professionals in the elderly caregiving sector, by providing a sectoral skills long-term strategy that will tackle skills gaps on the labor market and anticipate future skills. In parallel, its specific objectives include the a) up/reskilling of the elderly care professionals, b) upgrade the existing and emerging Occupational Profiles with up-to-date and essential skills for the elderly care practitioners, c) establishment of a joint methodology for addressing future skills needs, d) enhancement of the quality and the attractiveness of training in the health care sector at a European, National, Regional and Local Level.

Website: https://eldicare2-0.eu/

Dance Movement Therapy and Conscious Movement as innovative tools in emotional education and support for long-term caregivers

Project ID: 2023-1-IT02-KA220-ADU-000154702

Duration: 31/10/2023 – 29/04/2026

Description: The development of the DanceCARE educational program will contribute to a holistic approach to education and training in a lifelong learning perspective. The main objectives are to reduce burden and depression usually associated with Long-Term care duties and to improve networking between informal and formal caregivers. A blended and innovative training, focused on Dance Movement Therapy and Wise Motion methods for stress relief, will be tested and widely used both nationally and on a larger scale.

Website: https://dancecare-project.eu/


For any problem concerning you, your relative or friend, you can contact the staff of Aktios Elderly Care Units or visit our facilities by appointment, weekdays and weekends 09:00 - 21:00.
